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        Hi, my name is Nuno Arada. I´m one the managers of this website (and project) along with my friends and colleagues. I´m 18 years old and I live in Maia. Currently I´m studying Languages And Foreign Cultures at ESE (“Escola Superior de Educação”) in the city of Oporto.

       I consider myself a normal guy but I´d like to refer that I´m also a critical thinker. Probably a rare skill (or characteristic) in Modern Society. For us normal people to think critically, we need to have in mind some automatic questions. Who did this ? What´s behind this ? How will this impact that ? These are some basic questions required to understand the Media and the information they provide to the masses. This process should be kept in mind for those who care about their surroundings.

        Our main focus in this project are “Institutions” and how they end up interfering with Media, the Information, and the People (General Audience). The answers to the questions above will definetely shock you at some point. Information is the greatest weapon of Modern Society and it is easily deformed or manipulated.

        Our group has several goals. Two of them are: To learn throught this project and to stimulate the critical thinking of everybody that feels interested in this field. 
We will gladly answer any questions you may have related to this "theme"(Institutions) and project.




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