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What we saw

   Our group picked the topic “Institutions And The Media” to talk about and present to our professors and colleagues on the curricular unit named English Cultural Matrices In Media at “Escola Superior de Educação do Porto”. It was interesting to work with video editing and in the process we learned some video editing skills, we faced some challenges and learned new things about the topic that weren’t presented on class.

   Let us start with the challenges, we had some problems with the shootings we did for the project, so we searched for footage that was for free reuse. We didn’t have the opportunity to use Adobe premiere so we used Cyberlink power Director, we couldn’t download it and we didn’t have the time to go back to our college to work on it in room 23 where it had the materials required. The new things we learned about the topic really revolves around institutional Terminologies.

   Overall we found the challenges interesting and we did our best to overcome them and we are proud of the final result.

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