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   My Name is Luís Alexandre Teixeira da Silva, I’m currently twenty one years old. I was born in Porto, Paranhos to be more precise. Funny coincidence, my College is right next to the hospital where I was born. I live in Ermesinde, Valongo that is in Porto.
   I am a Languages and foreign Cultures student at “Escola Superior de Educação” of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, I study three languages at the moment French,Spanish and English, plus I study two other classes, English Culture and English Cultural Matrices in the media. This last one inspired my group to create this project. I hope to work in the area of tourism in the future, actually last year I studied a couple of mouths
in Coimbra University and my field of study was “Tourism, Territories and Heritages” but due to the distance of my home, family and friends I dropped out and spent the rest of the year working in a bakery, gathering money to pay for my higher education.
   I really hope me and my colleagues help you understand this topic, but if you have any doubts and wish to speak to me directly you can do it via email,

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