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It is an organisation or company, public or privately owned that produces and/or distributes media products. They govern the behaviour of a set of individuals within a given community. Institutions are identified with a social purpose, transcending individuals and intentions by mediating the rules that govern living behaviour.

   All media texts have an origin, a source that comes from these Institutions.
   We have to consider the possibility that these texts can be influenced or shaped in every shape and form that a certain Institution desires to get their message across to their targeted audience.
   It is impossible, in modern days, to never have seen television, just for example, and we are always receiving media texts while watching it and sometimes it seems difficult to distinguish them from a public service or a commercial institution.
   Just like all media texts have an origin, being the Institutional source, they also have an audience. Taking consideration we have to think on how the text has been distributed and what is the specific target audience they are aiming for.thisto

This previous paragraph served to show the media influence. The values and Ideologies that are transmitted by powerful Institutions that influence individuals.

What is an Institution?

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