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The power of Institutions?

Institutional Terminology:

            Synergy : the interaction or cooperation of two or more organisations to promote related products.
For example : Disney and Pixar.
           Conglomerate : A large company that owns a range of smaller companies.
Example Being : Time Warner Incorporated owns DC comics, HBO, and CNN.
           Convergence : Two or more types of media coming together like print, television, radio and  Internet.
For example : Television industries are now pushing their audience to watch their products on mobile phone and tablets. A specific example MEO 
           Media Ownership : When a company produces two or more different types of media.
being : Universal releases movies but also releases soundtracks.Cross
           Concentration of Media Ownership : The process by which an increasingly smaller number of companies own  most media outlets.

           Subsidiary : Smaller companies owned by a parent company.
           Oligopoly : When a market is dominated by a small number of companies(oligopolists).
           Horizontal Integration : Is when an organization grows by buying up competitors in the same section of the market.
For example, when one music publisher buys out other smaller music publishers.

           Vertical Integration: When a single company controls both the production and supply of a product.





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