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                  Institutions play a big role in the process of informing the people. Through Mass Media (Internet, Television, Radio), institutions have the power to control the information they deliver to the audiences and therefore to shape the minds of the people. Shouldn´t this be considered  propaganda ?

            There is no definitive answer to the first question. It is true that big companies such as CNN (owned by Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.) influence their Audience shamelessly. During the USA presidential election, CNN in most interviews they had, they cut who dared to criticize Hillary Clinton and her campaign. This is not considered propaganda because it doesn´t add information that´s incorrect but it isn´t somehow reliable because it omits facts and opinions that should be shown. TBS even donated 10000$-25000$ to Clinton Foundation.

            Ethically speaking, the omition of facts is wrong. But on the other hand, audiences as a group of individuals that supposedly think critically should be prepared to react to this. But not every individual has the knowledge or education to contest this.

             Finally, it is safe to say that as long as Media stays a business, this promiscuity and mutual influence between the power and Media itself will prevail. It´s up to audiences to react when faced with situations like this. Institutions influencing the Media.


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