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      There is a page in the Web named “Os Truques da Imprensa Portuguesa”. In English would be “The Tricks of the Portuguese Press”. Sometimes Media uses techniques to catch the the attention of the Audience, it happens not just in Portugal but in every country.

       There are numerous tricks the Press uses to “fool” the Audience. To choose well the picture that will follow next to the informative text is one. To also choose well the title of the text or piece of news. This entity demystifies online (so that people can judge individually and critically) the techniques that the TV Stations and the Newspappers use.

        The page is run by a group of people(Administrators) but the community (active audience) is the main intervenient. The conclusion that jumps instantly is: active audiences make Media produce better content because of the pressure they apply.             The connection Audience has to the Media producers is vital to the content that is produced. Content can also be shaped in different ways depending on who produces it (usually large Media Corporations), and how and who it will affect.

        Basically, “Os Truques da Imprensa Portuguesa” have the mission of processing information. The process they use allows the Audience to understand the information (without tricks) and how can it be easily deformed.

       For us normal people to think critically, we need to have in mind some automatic questions. Who did this ? What´s behind this ? How will this impact that ? These are some basic questions required to understand the Media and the information they provide to the masses. This process should be kept in mind for those who care about their surroundings.

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