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Institutions in our society

      Institutions can be: an organization, establishment, foundation , society, devoted to the promotion of a particular cause or program, especially one of a public, educational, or charitable character.

        All around the world, wherever you go, you will find some kind of institution. Profitable or not, institutions nonetheless. Their main objective is, and always will be to reach the maximum number of people possible. And to do so, they use the media. They use the media, in order to send their message, to sell their product, to spread their brand. And they do so quite well. Most of the times, you won´t even realize that you´re receiving their message, that´s how well they do it. They manipulate the media through different and various means, like television and internet. When it comes to television, they put their ads in primetime hours, and repeat them several times, to get the message to “stick”. They use catchy songs and soothing images to make you, the viewer, remember the ads. When it comes to the internet, they have partnerships with sites like YouTube, to put their ads in the beginning of each video, practically forcing you to watch it, before the video.

       In conclusion, institutions are everywhere. And to achieve their goals they use one of the most powerful tools nowadays, and that’s the media.

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